Non-Destructive Testing Program and NDT Lab

The Non-Destructive Testing Program (NDT) at Penflex is ASNT compliant and will offer these services to customers as well as perform customer requirements for NDT Inspections.

The program has three in house NDT Methods:

  • Visual Inspection (VT)
  • Liquid Penetrant Inspection (PT)
  • Leak Test Inspection (LT)

SNT-TC-1A Level III oversight of the program’s Level II’s and testing techniques is part of that program. Two SNT-TC-1A Level II NDE’s are qualified in three methods of NDT Inspections as well as comply to ASME Section V Articles 6, 7, 9, and 10. Penflex has a LTA with an A2LA ISO 17025 Accredited Metallurgical testing lab and can provide those services as well.

In addition, Penflex has a Welding Program that includes ASME Section IX, PED 287-1, EN ISO 15614 Weld Procedure Qualifications with ISO 3834-2 Welding Coordination compliance in process.

The Welding Program includes full-time staff with in house CWI/CWE for continuous improvement of welding processes as well as ongoing development of Welding Matrixes formatted and maintained in an auditable position.

Developing and qualifying Welding Procedures in exotic alloys for customer’s requirements can now be done in house. Penflex’s CWI,CWE,NDE Level II Inspector has 35 years of experience in the Pressure Vessel, Piping, Structural, Fabrication and Welding industries.

Please contact us for further details on the Program or for pricing for Non-Destructive Testing services.