CI Welcomes Chlorine Hose Maker Penflex
GILBERTSVILLE, Pa., Jan. 7, 2021 – The Chlorine Institute (CI), an association dedicated to advancing safe, secure, environmentally compatible and sustainable production, distribution and use of chlorine chemicals, recently added chlorine hose manufacturer Penflex Corporation to its member roster.
Penflex is a global leader in the design and manufacture of flexible piping solutions. The company is the first manufacturer of heavy wall metallic chlorine hoses to be welcomed into the Institute.
Heavy Wall Chlorine Hose
“We are looking forward to highlighting the importance of wall thickness in corrosive chloride applications,” said Penflex Sales Engineer Igor Smola. “Given the expected rates of corrosion associated with the Institute’s mission chemicals, a thicker wall hose will last longer in service than a thinner wall hose. This is an important consideration when designing hoses for chlorine transfer.”
Often used in loading and unloading barges, rail cars, tankers and filling cylinders, Penflex’s chlorine hoses comply with the industry’s highest safety standards—the Institute’s “Pamphlet 6: Piping Systems for Dry Chlorine.”
Supporting The Chlorine Institute Mission
“We are excited to have Penflex join the 185 members of the Chlorine Institute. By joining the Institute, Penflex has demonstrated its commitment to CI’s mission of continuously improving safety performance in the chlor-alkali industry. We applaud that commitment and look forward to Penflex’s engagement in progressing that objective,” added CI President Frank Reiner.
Penflex looks forward to bringing a new voice to the conversation among the Institute’s membership.
Penflex Corporation is a leading manufacturer of flexible metal hose and braid, and metal bellows and expansion joints. Penflex serves industrial sectors around the world. In addition to its signature product line, Penflex offers additional services such as failure analysis and specialized welder training. Based in Gilbertsville, PA, Penflex maintains stocking warehouses in Houston, Atlanta and Chicago and operates a second manufacturing facility in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to serve the Asia Pacific market.
Contact Info
Lexie Barker
Director of Marketing
105B Industrial Drive
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
Phone: (610) 662-9556
This release originally ran on PR Newswire here.
About Penflex
Founded in 1902, Penflex is an ISO 9001-certified manufacturer of flexible metal piping solutions, offering a broad range of metal hose, braid, bellows and expansion joint products along with complementary services, including sales and welder training, engineering support, prototyping, testing and contract braiding. Known for quality and durability, our products are sold into multiple, unsynchronized vertical markets all over the world. Based in Gilbertsville, PA, Penflex maintains a warehouse in Houston, TX and operates a second manufacturing facility in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
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