Terminal Transfer Hose Design

By Mike Nappi, VP of Sales

Critical to tank farm operations, transfer hoses support the movement of media between tanks, ships, barges, pipelines, trucks and rail cars. But they are susceptible to corrosion and prime candidates for mishandling, making longer lasting hoses a desirable commodity. 

Penflex designs transfer hoses with extended service life in mind. Our hoses’ metallic construction ensures increased resistance to chemical corrosion as metal resists corrosion from a wider variety of chemicals, in addition to resisting corrosion from specific chemicals longer than other materials. 

Wall thickness also plays a role in delaying the impact of corrosion. Media inside and sometimes in the environment outside the hose will, at some level, penetrate the hose in accordance with expected rates of corrosion. Thus, materials of construction being the same, a thicker wall hose will last longer than a thinner wall hose in the same application. 

Penflex leads the industry in offering hoses made with thicker strip. For our 1” P4, the wall thickness is 0.015” but other manufacturers offer 1” hoses with wall thicknesses of 0.010.” 

Weld quality is another point of consideration. Penflex welders are certified to the industry’s highest standard (ASME Section IX) to ensure quality welds that will not become points for chemical attack. 

The proper design and appropriate manufacturing process will ensure a longer life in service by delaying the onset of corrosion. 

Terminal Transfer Hoses - Storage Terminals Magazine Feature

This article about terminal transfer hose design originally ran in the Spring 2021 issue of Storage Terminals Magazine. 

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