Factory & Warehouse Locations

Penflex Corporate Office

Our manufacturing and global headquarters are located 40 miles NW of Philadelphia in a 100,000 square foot facility in Gilbertsville, PA.

105-B Industrial Drive
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
Phone: 610-367-2260
Fax: 610-367-2248
Email: sales@penflex.com

Houston Warehouse

Penflex maintains a 40,000 square foot stocking warehouse in Houston to better serve customers along the Gulf Coast and west of the Mississippi. Situated on the east side at the junction of Interstate 10 and Interstate 610, the warehouse is a convenient location for pick-up.

531 Portwall St. #200
Houston, TX 77029

Tel: 832-831-1306
Email: pmartinez@penflex.com

Penflex Vietnam Co., Ltd.

Penflex established a second manufacturing facility in Vietnam in the early 2010s with the same processes, quality management system, and many of the same raw material suppliers as the US operation. Penflex Vietnam serves customers in Asia Pacific and Europe.

Lot X2, Road 14, Ho Nai Industrial Zone
Ho Nai 3 Commune, Trang Bom District
Dong Nai Province, Vietnam

Tel: +84 61.887.7006
Fax: + 84 61.887.7009
Email: salesvn1@penflex.com