Quality Management System

ISO 9001:2015

Penflex operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the scope of design and manufacture of flexible metal hose and braid products for uses including critical applications. Penflex also holds the respective Certificate of Registration issued by The British Standards Institution.

The Penflex QMS

Penflex is dedicated to providing superior quality in all it does, from manufacturing high quality products to providing unsurpassed customer service. Its Quality Management System is Penflex’s commitment to each customer that quality and customer satisfaction come first.

Penflex Quality Management System (Penflex QMS) is made up of the following parts:

  • Quality Policy
  • Quality Objectives
  • Manual
  • Procedures
  • Forms
  • Instructions

To learn more about how Penflex manufactures hose, please see Engineering Bulletin #131 with information about our mechanical forming processes.

Director of Quality

Please meet our Director of Quality Jess Bruzzese. A long-time member of the leadership team, Jess spent time as assistant production manager before moving into her current role as head of quality. Here she is to introduce herself!