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How to Handle Interlocked Hoses

Note: To print this bulletin on how to handle interlocked hoses, please click here.

Corrugated hoses have replaced their interlocked predecessors in all but a few special applications and, as a result, most conversations about metal hose are about the corrugated kind.

There’s talk of pressure ratings, discussions around chemical compatibility and consideration given to temperature derating factors. Examining hose failures has users assessing leaks, looking at cracks and debating the cause of braid damage.

None of these topics relate to interlocked hose.

With a different construction, interlocked hoses present users with a unique set of considerations. If they are more familiar with corrugated hoses, these could be helpful to point out.

Greater Design Capacity…Though with Limitations

Interlocked hose machines can be adjusted in many ways to make slightly different sizes and constructions. This ability to deliver a wider range of products also makes it difficult to control some characteristics from one run to another. 

Sometimes a user might think the interlocked hose is too stiff, and other times too floppy. Or that it may too easily compress and extend on one occasion but prove too difficult on another. 

The manufacturing process is not the only contributing factor here. Consider the design of an interlocked hose. Movement is determined by how much the interlocked folds can move before hitting the nearest hose wall. 

Interlocked Hose Profile

Without anything to “set” the slip space in place, compression and extension of the hose can happen during shipping, handling, installation and operation in a way that may not be consistent throughout the entire length of the hose. 

This space, while necessary for movement, also means that interlocked hoses are not 100% leak tight. This is true even with the inclusion of special packing. This limitation created the need for a pressure tight solution, which eventually led to the development of corrugated hoses. 

How to Handle Interlocked Hoses: Common Oversights 

Sometimes users do attempt to put an interlocked hose in an application where a corrugated hose is better suited. Maybe the flow media is a liquid or there are high pressure requirements. When the hose leaks, the user may cite a failure, but the reason for failure would be an error in hose selection rather than a shortcoming of the hose. 

The special packing that is sometimes included to reduce air loss or manage low pressure requirements in an interlocked hose is of a synthetic material. It can melt out of the hose if exposed to too high of temperatures, and this does present a challenge when welding on the end fittings. 

Since metal can handle temperatures so much higher than the packing, sometimes users unknowingly subject an interlocked hose with packing to temperatures above design limits. 

Also, with regard to the packing, if the hose sees a lot of compression and extension, it may try to “sneak out” of its position in the curve of the hose. In these cases the seal is lost and the user could expect to see some seepage. 

Need for Lubrication

As an interlocked hose flexes, metal moves against metal. This contact can lead to material loss and shorter hose life which, fortunately, can be defended against with lubricants. 

Lubricants reduce wear, thereby extending service life, and to remove them through, for instance, ultrasonic cleaning would be unwise. Without lubrication, an interlocked hose would be difficult to flex and produce an uneven bend, and the metal on metal movement would surely lead to premature failure. 

The Big Don’t and a Unique Failure Mode

As with corrugated hose, torquing is a big “don’t,” though the result of torquing an interlocked hose is certainly unique. Twisting the hose will damage the interlocked connection, sometimes to the point of “unhooking” the folds. This can also happen if the hose is bent very far in excess of its minimum bend radius. In either scenario, once this happens, the hose will continue to fall apart. 

One way to gauge whether an interlocked hose has experienced torque, assuming it’s not immediately visible, is to paint a “laying line” or “flow arrow” on the outside of the hose. If the line begins to swirl around the hose, the user will have evidence of twisting.  

Use with Corrugated Metal Hose Assemblies

Thanks to the uniformity of the finished product and its pressure carrying capabilities, corrugated hose is the preferred option in most applications. 

However, beyond the niche use cases, interlocked hoses continue to play an important role in the metal hose industry. They are often used as liners in or as protective armor on corrugated hose assemblies. 

While liners manage flow velocity and protect the hose from the deleterious effects of flow-induced vibrations, armor acts as a bend restrictor and abrasion guard. While some users opt for short lengths of interlocked armor near the end fittings, if there is potential for over-bending, there’s a chance that the sharp edge of the short length of armor will end up digging into the hose. This is why other users opt for armor that runs the full length of the assembly. 

The development of new products gives us a fresh set of solutions and challenges, but in the case of interlocked hoses with their continued use, some of the solutions and challenges associated with previous product iterations remain relevant. 

To print this how to handle interlocked hoses bulletin, please click here.

Is a Pressure Tight Interlocked Hose Really Possible?

Excerpt from Penflex's 1959 Metal Hose Catalog“The rugged twenty-four inch steel interlocked tubing installed on diesel engine exhaust bears little resemblance to a gold necklace for your lady. Strange as it may seem, it is a direct descendent.” 

Excerpt from Penflex’s 1959 Flexible Metal Hose catalog

When the inventors of interlocked hose first thought to fold the edges of thin metal strip together in a spiral-like fashion, thereby creating a flexible sheath, it wasn’t a means of fluid conveyance they sought.

A Jeweler’s Invention Shaped A Modern Industry

It was the mid-1800s and Heinrich Witzenmann and Louis Kuppenheim wanted to create something elegant, and purely ornamental. And the competition was stiff. 

Pforzheim, on the outskirts of the Black Forest in southwest Germany, had been dubbed “Goldstadt,” or “Gold City,” given the proliferation of jewelers and watchmakers that had come to call it home. If the pair’s creation was to stand out, it needed to be truly unique.  

And their necklace was, though in a way the two had probably never envisioned. It was more than ten years after developing the design that the jewelers recognized its potential in industrial applications. A new branch of their business dedicated to the development and production of interlocked hose was subsequently opened.

A Geometric Design

To create interlocked hose, the edges of strip material are folded into one another. As the material runs into the machine, one edge is bent up and inward to create a curl running the length of the strip. As it continues its path, winding helically around a sizing mandrel, the other edge is folded into the curl.

This creates the interlocked convolutions that enable the hose to move. Movement is determined by the amount of space between the two folds and, as seen in the cross section above, this space creates an exit path for media. 

Interlocked hoses are not leak tight and, as a result, cannot be used in applications with pressure requirements. 

Inclusion of Packing Materials

In an attempt to deliver some pressure carrying capacity, manufacturers began to add packing material into the interlocked convolutions. 

However, gains were measured. For instance, Penflex’s interlocked hose–regardless of size–when packed with silicone is rated to just 20 PSI. 

These days, when used alone, interlocked hoses convey small solid particles like grain or plastic pellets for injection molding machines. The packing is not tight enough to seal against leaks from a liquid. 

M-100 Hose Conveying MolassesFurther gains came with the introduction of Penflex’s M-100 Pressure Hose, an interlocked hose with a specially formed groove to accommodate the packing material. Two-inch M-100 hose is rated to 190 PSI. 

While the packing does serve as a continuous gasket to make the hose pressure tight, we would limit its use to air and non-searching fluids at moderate pressures and temperatures. 

Historically, suggested applications for M-100 included steam hoses, cleaning boiler tubes, tar and asphalt hoses, vegetable oil hoses, diesel exhaust, expansion joints, rivet passing and conveying molasses. The hose’s heavy wall construction enables it to withstand significant external pressure, and M-100 has been used successfully in underground and underwater applications as well.  

With either design, temperature is a consideration given the packing material cannot withstand the same high temperatures that metal can. This may not be a concern given operating conditions but consider the heat of welding. Materials adjacent to the end fitting weld experience temperatures in excess of 800°F. The packing can “burn out” and leave a leak path in its wake. 

The limitations on pressure and temperature left room for further innovation. 

Advent of Corrugated Hose Technology

Judging by records from the US Patent and Trademark Office, corrugated hoses were making their way to market by the 1930s and 1940s. Initially the hoses were created in a similar way to their interlocked predecessors. The main difference was that rather than folding the edges together, they were crest welded. 

A pressure tight seal had been achieved!

Corrugated Hose Profile

Soon a more efficient method was developed whereby the strip was welded into a tube before being run through a corrugator to create the corrugations. Today’s corrugated hoses are made this way–though some machines now combine tube making and corrugation creation in a single, continuous process. 

Most feature an annular hose profile, and can achieve pressure ratings far in excess of their interlocked counterparts. Penflex’s 2-inch P4 hose with one braid layer is rated to 532 PSI. With two braid layers, it is rated to 850 PSI. 

While interlocked hoses are still used, both alone and as accessories on corrugated hose assemblies, the fact that they are not 100% leak proof is one of the main reasons they have largely been displaced by corrugated hoses. 

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Using Traveling Loops to Accommodate Axial Movement in Piping System

Note: To print this bulletin on axial movement in piping systems, please click here.

Hoses perform a valuable function in piping systems by absorbing movement. Rigid as they are, hard pipe and equipment can crack under the stress of movements, while hoses, being flexible, can bend without breaking.

Picture expansion joints in bridges. Or flexible foundations under buildings in earthquake prone areas. These structural elements protect immovable objects from unstoppable forces. Hoses do the same thing in piping systems.

Why Can’t Hoses Move Axially?

Hose Squirm due to Axial MovementWhile braided hoses are pliable and seemingly capable of moving in many directions, they are not actually designed to accommodate all kinds of movement.

To be a pressure carrier, the hose must be a braided hose. It is the braid that prevents the hose from growing back into a tube when pressurized, and thus its strength largely determines a hose’s working pressure.

To function properly, the braid must be in tension. Compression along the longitudinal axis would bring the braid out of tension and, for this reason, hoses cannot accommodate axial movement.

Beyond a reduction in pressure carrying capacity, once a braid comes out of tension, there is a tendency for the hose to wiggle. It can exploit weaknesses in braid coverage and squirm out, leading to a sometimes dramatic-looking failure.

Though hoses themselves are not designed to move axially, they can still accommodate axial movement of the piping system.

Accommodating Axial Movement of Piping System

To accommodate axial movement within a piping system, hang hoses in traveling loop configurations. There are three broad categories of configurations. Horizontal and vertical installations are options within each one.

In a Variable Radius Traveling Loop, the end of the hose moves in and out in a horizontal configuration and up and down in a vertical configuration. Regardless of orientation, the radius changes throughout each cycle.

Variable Radius Traveling Loop Configuration

In a Constant Radius Traveling Loop, the end of the hose moves up and down in a horizontal configuration and in and out in a vertical configuration. Regardless of orientation, the radius remains constant throughout each cycle. While this installation requires more space than a variable traveling loop installation, it can accommodate more movement.

Constant Radius Traveling Loop Configuration

Traveling Loops with Movement in Two Directions combine the movements of Variable and Constant Radius Traveling Loop configurations. So long as the two movements do not prompt axial compression, the two movements can happen simultaneously.

Traveling Loop Configuration with Movement in Two Directions

When There Isn’t Enough Space

Traveling loops are an ideal configuration for hoses because the length of the installation limits stress on individual corrugations. While this ensures hoses reach maximum service life, it also makes traveling loops unsuitable in applications where there is not a lot of space.

In these scenarios, some users may opt for U-Loops and V-Loops. The returns and elbows in these assemblies save space. And while these may look like traveling loops to the untrained eye, they actually absorb movement differently. U-Loops and V-Loops use two hoses, each moving in a lateral offset motion, to accommodate the axial movements of a piping system. This can stress the end fitting connection welds more acutely though this may not be an issue in an infrequently cycling application.

Where space is especially limited, or if there is no space beneath the piping, an expansion joint may be the best design for the application.

Unplanned Axial Movement 

While this bulletin focuses on how hoses can be configured in loops to accommodate axial movement in a piping system, where the design is carefully considered to avoid the hose experiencing this kind of movement, there are other scenarios where axial compression happens inadvertently.

Improper installation of hoses hung vertically can lead to axial compression of the hose. In the drawing below, you can see that without pipe support, the hose slouched and the braid relaxed. To prevent this, system owners use pipe hangers.

Unplanned Axial Compression from Lack of Pipe Support


For further questions, please contact us.

Accommodating Out of Plane Movement in a Piping System

Note: To print this bulletin on accommodating out of plane movement in a piping system, please click here.

Flexible metal hoses are not designed to accommodate movement in more than one plane. 

Let’s clarify: a SINGLE flexible metal hose is not designed to accommodate movement in more than one plane.

To move in more than one plane would require the hose to twist. We call this rotation of the hose along its longitudinal axis torsion, and it is guaranteed to reduce service life. 

Flex Hoses are not designed to accommodate Out of Plane Movement

Wrong Shows Out of Plane Movement in a Vertically Installed Traveling Loop

This has to do with the way hoses are designed. Engineers plan for the stresses media flow and bending in a single plane exert on the hose. Exceeding these design limits leads to metal fatigue. The ultimate result is cracking. 

When a hose experiences torsion, design limits are exceeded and cracks can develop along the corrugation crests. We call this failure mode stress cracking. 

How Bad is it to Twist a Hose? 

Comparing annular and helical hoses can help illustrate the impact of twisting. With annular hoses, the corrugations are parallel to one another. With helical hoses, the corrugations line up at a slight pitch, like the spine on a spiral notebook.  

When pressurized, hoses seek to resume their former tube shape. With annular hoses, forces will exert outwards parallel to the longitudinal axis of the hose. With helical hoses, given the corrugations “swirl” around the hose, forces will exert both sideways at an angle to the longitudinal axis as well as outwards in line with it. This means helical hoses, when pressurized, have a natural tendency to twist, and in effect torque themselves. 

This is not a classic example of torque, but it is worth noting because this natural tendency to twist contributes to shorter service life when compared with annular hoses in the same application. A cycle test conducted in Penflex’s lab found annular hoses lasted almost 90% longer than helical hoses in one dynamic cycling application. 

Among other advantages, this is the kind of information that makes it easy to understand why annular hoses have largely come to replace the helical hoses that came before them. But it also stresses just how significant the impact of moving a hose out of plane can be. 

Matter of Opinion vs. Matter of Fact

We recommend avoiding out of plane movements as a hedge against torsion, but anyone who has been inside of a plant can attest to the fact that hoses may move all over the place. 

Given the infinite options for hoses and operating conditions, there is never going to be a one-size-fits-every-application rule when it comes to out of plane movement. 

Maybe hoses bending in more than one plane do last long enough. Maybe they don’t. Without consistent tracking and historical data, it is difficult to know that a hose has failed prematurely–only that it has failed.    

Possible torque of Metal Hose in Plant

In scenarios where there appears to be no adverse impact on service life, it is likely the piping engineer was conservative in design, giving the assembly a longer length to ensure less stress on individual corrugations with each movement. 

Perhaps it is not a high pressure application and the full pressure carrying capacity of the hose is not being realized, meaning there is “leftover” capacity to accommodate slight out of plane movements.  

So while hoses can move out of plane, the ideal design is one that avoids or at least limits it, especially when working with minimum live lengths and in high pressure applications. 

When to Use Another Hose

In some applications, movement in a piping system is such that a single hose will just not be able to address the situation. In these scenarios, our first line of inquiry is to find out whether the system can be re-designed to remove movement in the additional planes.

If this is not an option, we would need to consider a more complex arrangement where multiple hoses could be installed to accommodate the movement in multiple planes.

For further questions, please contact us.

Alloy Selection in Ammonia Service

Note: To print this bulletin on ammonia service, please click here.

Feeding the World’s Population

Between 1900 and 2000, the world’s population grew from 1.6 billion to 6 billion. Today, it registers at 7.9 billion.[1] Something happened in the 20th century that allowed this great explosion of population to take place.

While a mix of inputs are required for plant growth, nitrogen is considered the most important given how much is required. As such, crop yields are limited by the amount of nitrogen available and farmers in centuries past relied upon manure to augment the work of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil to deliver this critical element.

In the early 1900s, a pair of German chemists discovered how to synthesize ammonia (NH3)–a nitrogen-hydrogen compound–and thereby boost the amount of nitrogen available to plants. Inorganic nitrogen fertilizers, often injected into the soil as liquid ammonia, allowed for great increases in crop yield, the kind of increases that could spur a population explosion.

Given the role it plays in feeding the world’s population, ammonia is one of the most widely produced chemicals. One hundred and eighty million metric tons are produced annually.[2] With the world’s largest population, it may come as no surprise that China is the top producer. India, Russia and the United States follow.[3]

Ammonia is also used in commercial refrigeration systems and in household cleaners, and its use as a potential hydrogen fuel source is a popular topic of conversation as well

Ammonia as a Health Hazard

Direct exposure to ammonia in high concentrations is hazardous to human health and numerous government agencies and industry associations have developed various specifications, procedures and training sessions to limit leaks. These efforts, along with correct handling and preventive maintenance, have kept incidences of leaks and human injury to relatively low levels.

Interestingly, Fertilizer Grade Ammonium Nitrate is listed as a chemical of interest in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards.[4] While this signals the potential for its use as a chemical weapon, for the purposes of this bulletin, it underscores the importance of safety in the design and operation of ammonia piping and transfer systems.

Metal Hose in Ammonia Service

Common applications for hoses in these systems include connections between fixed loading and unloading systems, and in nurse tank trailer, rail and truck transport. Metal is often the preferred material of construction given its chemical compatibility. Metal hoses also offer a more robust design given braid layers protect the inner core from abrasion and welding is the end fitting attachment method.

The 300 Series stainless steels are suitable options for most ammonia service applications, including those involving anhydrous ammonia, a liquid solution that is used both as fertilizer and commercial refrigerant. Anhydrous ammonia corrodes copper and zinc alloys and can also attack rubber and certain plastics.

A gas at room temperature, anhydrous ammonia is cooled to its liquid state before being transported under pressure to its destination. When working with anhydrous ammonia gas at elevated temperatures, the 300 Series stainless steels are not recommended. Contact the factory for details about other options.

When working with ammonium bromide, ammonium sulfate or ammonium chloride in concentrations above 10%, 316L is recommended above 304 and 321 which are only partially resistant to these media.

For a more complete listing of alloy compatibility with ammonia have a look at our corrosion resistance chart.

Hoses for ammonia service are often used for loading and unloading of nurse tank trailers.

Concerns Around Explosiveness

While ammonia is non-flammable, it can ignite in the presence of certain compounds, namely halogens, with explosive force. Chlorine and various chlorides are halogens, so great care must be taken to remove contaminants during production and to avoid their entry into the system during shipment, storage and installation.

Key precautions must be taken during manufacturing, and include removing any chips or debris from the inside of the hose after cutting and purging welds with argon gas. Welds and welders should be certified under ASME Section IX, the industry standard for quality welding.

Considerations on Stress Corrosion Cracking

In addition to being a potential ignition source, contaminants also exacerbate corrosion in a hose. With its strong affinity for water, it is important to prevent an influx of moisture into an ammonia piping system.

Chloride contamination from the ingress of water can reduce the service life given material sensitivity to these compounds. Stainless steel and chlorides are a pairing highly susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC). This form of corrosion occurs at the intersection of a susceptible material, working or residual stress experienced above the SCC threshold, and a corrosive environment. Cracks may lead to leaks if not identified soon enough.

Regular inspection of hoses in ammonia service is important for identifying cracks, as well as damaged braid, deformation of the hose, cracked fittings, or traces of media on or around piping components that could indicate imminent failure.

For further questions, please contact us.


[1] United States Census Bureau. U.S. and World Population Clock. Retrieved August 11, 2022 from

[2] Alexander Tullo. 8 March 2021. Chemical & Engineering News. Is ammonia the fuel of the future?. Retrieved August 11, 2022 from

[3] Johnny Wood. 29 October 2021. Forbes. Scaling Ammonia Production For The World’s Food Supply. Retrieved August 11, 2022 from

[4] Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS). Retrieved August 11, 2022 from

How Much Weight Can a Hose Hung Vertically Support?

Note: To print this bulletin on how much weight a hose hung vertically can support, please click here.

Hoses are sometimes hung vertically. Oftentimes, it’s for a temporary application and, typically, it’s a large bore hose that’s being used. In these situations, a user may wonder how long the hose can be before the combination of its own weight and the weight of media flowing through it become too much.

The long and the short of it is it’s unlikely that there would be an issue.

Finding the Impact on Pressure Ratings

Braided hoses are designed to resist internal pressure as noted by their pressure ratings, and when a hose hangs vertically, some of the pressure carrying capacity does get “used up.”

What gets “used up” is determined by the weight of the hose, braid, end fittings, and flow media. Totaling these forces, converting the sum into units of pressure, and subtracting the result from catalog ratings will give you the updated pressure limits.

Example Using Penflex Single Braided 10” 700 Series

Let’s say we are using a 10” x 12’ hose to direct water from a container above into a pit below. The assembly has a slip-on flange at each end. We calculate the weight of the hose, braid and end fittings as follows.

Item Weight per Unit Total Weight
Hose 716-160 12.85 lb./ft 154.2 lbs.
Braid 1SB-160 6.1 lb./ft 73.3 lbs.
End Fittings SOF 43 lbs. 86 lbs.

To determine the weight of flow media, multiply the hose’s total volume by media density. Penflex’s 716-1SB-160 has a volume per foot of 1018.96 in3. In a 12’ run, the total volume will be 12,227.52 in3.

Item Weight per Unit Total Weight
Flow Media Water .0361 lbs./in3 441.41 lbs.
 Total Weight of Hose and Media 754.9 lbs.

To convert force to pressure, divide by the net effective area. This is the area of the hose using the radius which comes from the average of the inner and outer diameters. The ID of 716-160 is 9.82” and its OD is 11.18.” Using the formula below, we find the effective net area is 86.56 in2.

E = ((I +O)/4)2 x p
E = 27.56 x
E = 86.59 in2

Then, to finish the conversion, divide total weight by net effective area.

Pressure = 754.9 lbs./86.59 in2
Pressure = 8.72 PSI

716-1SB-160 has a MAWP of 230 PSI. Just 8.72 PSI will be “used up” when this hose hangs vertically. As mentioned earlier, unless the operating pressures are close to the MAWP, or hose lengths are quite long, a hose hung vertically will not see any meaningful reduction in pressure ratings.

For further questions, please contact us.

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Alloy Selection for Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid Applications

Note: To print this bulletin about alloy selection for sulfur and sulfuric acid applications, please click here. 

Sulfur (S) is one of the most abundant elements on Earth, and references to its antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties date back to ancient times.

While there are mentions of its use in topical ointments and as a fumigant, sulfur’s yellow mass, the bright blue flame it emits when burned, along with that acrid smell, led to one more ominous association. It is to burning sulfur that the Bible refers with each mention of “brimstone” and eternal damnation was the theme of many a “fire-and-brimstone” sermon.

The element’s association with the fiery depths of Hell faded as the critical role it plays in plant and human health became better understood.

Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid Uses

Historically extracted from areas surrounding volcanoes and hot springs, sulfur is, today, most often produced as a byproduct of natural gas and petroleum refining. Sulfur-containing contaminants are removed and converted to sulfur in various forms, namely sulfuric acid. It is then used across a wide range of industries.

Agriculture and food and beverage markets rely on sulfur to support growth, stave off pests, bacteria and fungi, and prolong shelf life. A primary application is fertilizer production. Other applications include crop dusting, food processing and winemaking.

Typically introduced in the form of sulfur dioxide, sulfur works as a preservative when added to items such as dried fruit. Its chemical compounds are used in sugar refining to strip brown sugar of its color. And, while sulfites naturally occur during fermentation, some winemakers add more during this stage of production to further protect and preserve their vintages.

The paper making industry also relies on sulfur’s “bleaching” power. Other applications span cellophane and rayon manufacturing, water treatment, and renewable energy. More energy dense than lithium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries are promising to push the limits of rechargeable battery technology.

When sulfur burns and comes into contact with oxygen, as happens when sulfur-containing fuels such as coal or diesel are burned, the reaction produces sulfur dioxide (SO2), a commonly cited air pollutant. While legislation to curb emissions has initiated a shift away from coal-fired plants and created a market for low sulfur marine fuels, the need to extract sulfur from energy production processes remains, and thus a need for chemically compatible piping systems remains as well.

Tractor spraying fields with fertilizers made with sulfur

Alloy Selection

To produce, transfer, and administer sulfur in its various forms, flexible piping components are needed, and materials of construction may differ based on what is moving through the hose, and in what concentration, pressure, temperature, and environmental factors.

While 316 stainless is a suitable option for most sulfur applications—and the 300 series stainless with the widest corrosion resistance to sulfur and sulfur compounds—there are some notable exceptions. For alum, sulfur acid in 5% – 10% concentrations, and saturated sulfurous acid, 316 SS is “partially resistant” meaning we would not recommend it for continuous use.

When it comes to the following solutions, we would not recommend 316 SS in any use case.

  • Sodium hydrogen carbonate (aka sodium bisulfate), saturated
  • Sulfur chloride, dry
  • Sulfuric acid, 50%
  • Sulfuric acid concentrated, boiling

Sulfuric acid is most commonly found in concentrated solutions and it, along with the others listed above, require special alloys with higher percentages of nickel and chromium due to their aggressive oxidizing nature. Alloy options for such application would include Inconel™ 625 and Hastelloy™ C276.

For concentrated sulfuric acid, the relative order of corrosion-resistance, in descending order, would be:

  • Hastelloy™ C276
  • Incoloy™ 825
  • Inconel™ 625

Oftentimes solutions contain chlorides, necessitating further consideration so far as alloy selection goes. Beyond media composition, high flow velocity can speed corrosion rates, and come into play as well when selecting an alloy. In these cases especially, it’s clear that wall thickness also plays a role in corrosion resistance and must also figure into engineering design.

For a more complete listing of alloy compatibility with sulfur and sulfuric acid media, have a look at our corrosion resistance chart. For further questions, please contact us.

How Long Will a Metal Hose Last in Service?

Knowing how long a metal hose will last in service would make life easier. We could more accurately plan purchases for replacement parts and then schedule time to install those parts, all while reducing the likelihood of failures.

While this isn’t a pipe dream—some companies have successfully determined average service life for hoses in specific applications through careful observation and record-keeping—it is unrealistic to expect that an answer can be given without such attention to data collection and the monitoring of outcomes.

Any information that could be given at the manufacturer’s level would reflect how hoses behave in certain testing circumstances. We know that the same hose will last longer if pressure is reduced or bend radius is increased, and—conversely—that service life will be shorter if pressure increases or bend radius decreases.

It is impossible to test every possibility. And of course, we are only talking about two given variables that impact service life. Whether a hose is installed properly is another, and there are many more.

Retesting to Reaffirm Service Life

Some refineries and chemical plants look to their suppliers to retest hoses to ascertain whether they are “still good.” Such a process can give users a false sense of certainty, mistaking a hose that has been successfully retested as one that will last for another, often unspecified, stint in service.

This is misguided.

While pressure testing can be used to determine the continuing strength of a hose, it will not predict its remaining life span. We have seen retested hoses put back in service only to fail a week later.

Passing such a test does not negate the unknown impact of exposure to corrosive media, harsh environments, bending, twisting, intermittent flow, vibration, and improper handling. With this in mind, a retesting agency should not be responsible for how much longer a hose will last in service.

When to Take a Hose out of Service

Without data on how a hose operates under certain circumstances—which can only be collected by the end user—we cannot accurately predict how long a hose will last. The challenge then becomes when to take a hose out of service to avoid premature failures. And there’s no exact science to it.

We recommend regular inspections using a checklist to help maintenance personnel identify potential problems. If any of the indicators are observed, replacements should be considered. Keeping track of observations, and how long each hose lasts in every application, will, overtime, yield the kind of data that will allow users to predict service life for hoses in their facility.

Here’s Janet Ellison, our director of quality and engineering, to talk about the points highlighted in this bulletin.

Note: To print this bulletin, please click here.

How to Install an Expansion Joint

The information below on how to install an expansion joint comes from the Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association 10th Edition.

Metal bellows expansion joints have been designed to absorb a specified amount of movement by flexing of the thin-gauge convolutions. If proper care is not taken during installation, it may reduce the cycle life and the pressure capacity of the expansion joints which could result in an early failure of the bellows element or damage the piping system. 

The following recommendations are included to avoid the most common errors that occur during installation. When in doubt about an installation procedure, contact the manufacturer for clarification before attempting to install the expansion joint. The manufacturer’s warranty may be void if improper installation procedures have been used. 


  1. Inspect for damages during shipment, i.e., dents, broken hardware, water marks on carton, etc.
  2. Store in clean dry area where it will not be exposed to heavy traffic or damaging environment.
  3. Use only designated lifting lugs.
  4. Make the piping systems fit the expansion joint. By stretching, compressing, or offsetting the joint to fit the piping, it may be overstressed when the system is in service.
  5. It is good practice to leave one flange loose until the expansion joint has been fitted into position. Make necessary adjustment of loose flange before welding. Install joint with arrow pointing in the direction of flow. Install single Van Stone liners pointing in the direction of flow. Be sure to install a gasket between the liner and Van Stone flange as well as between the mating flange and liner.
  6. With telescoping Van Stone liners, install the smallest I.D. liner pointing in the direction of flow.
  7. Remove all shipping devices after the installation is complete and before any pressure test of the fully installed system.
  8. Remove any foreign material that may have become lodged between the convolutions.
  9. Refer to EJMA Standards for proper guide spacing and anchor recommended


  1. Do not drop or strike carton.
  2. Do not remove shipping bars until installation is complete.
  3. Do not remove any moisture-absorbing desiccant bags or protective coatings until ready for installation.
  4. Do not use hanger lugs as lifting lugs without approval of manufacturer.
  5. Do not use chains or any lifting device directly on the bellows or bellows cover.
  6. Do not allow weld splatter to hit unprotected bellows. Protect with wet chloride-free insulation.
  7. Do not use cleaning agents that contain chlorides.
  8. Do not use steel wool or wire brushes on bellows.
  9. Do not force-rotate one end of an expansion joint for alignment of bolt holes. Ordinary bellows are not capable of absorbing torque.
  10. Do not hydrostatic pressure test or evacuate the system before installation of all guides and anchors.
  11. Pipe hangers are not adequate guides.
  12. Do not exceed a pressure test of 1 1/2 times the rated working pressure of the expansion joint.
  13. Do not use shipping bars to retain thrust if tested prior to installation.

When dealing with expansion joints, do not remove shipping bars until installation is complete.

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Differences Between the 300 Series Stainless Steels

The 300 series austenitic stainless steels are a set of iron-based chromium-nickel alloys designed to resist corrosion. This in combination with excellent formability, resistance to wear, and strength at temperature make them common materials of construction within piping systems.

Differences between the alloys are slight but deliberate. While they can be used interchangeably in many applications, sometimes there is an ideal solution. Substitutions in such situations could mean compromised service life.

Corrosion Resistance

As corrosion resistance is one of the primary reasons end users opt for metal hose, application media typically guides alloy selection. 304 is often used as it is the most cost-effective option, though 321, and 316 especially, offer better corrosion resistance. For this reason, most Penflex hoses are made using 321 or 316L.

Braid is usually 304L as it will not be in contact with flow media, though 316L is an option if the application is in a corrosive environment—like in, on or near the ocean—or if the outside of the hose will be subject to corrosive media via drips, spray, run-off, etc.

For especially corrosive applications, superior corrosion resistant properties can be found among higher-nickel alloys like Monel® 400 and Hastelloy® C276.

300 Series Stainless Steels: Chemical Composition

The chart below shows the chemical composition of the most common 300 series stainless steels used in the metal hose industry. Single figures signify the maximum percentage allowable under ASTM 240 requirements.

304 304L 316 316L 321
Chromium 18% – 20% 18% – 20% 16% – 18% 16% – 18% 17% – 19%
Nickel 8% – 10.5% 8% – 12% 10% – 14% 10% – 14% 9% – 12%
Molybdenum 2% – 3% 2% – 3%
Carbon 0.08% 0.03% 0.08% 0.03% 0.08%
Manganese 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
Phosphorous 0.045% 0.045% 0.045% 0.045% 0.045%
Sulfur 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03%
Silicon .75% .75% .75% .75% .75%
Titanium 5 x (C + N) min – .70%
Nitrogen 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
Iron Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance

304 is considered the baseline when it comes to corrosion resistance. Various alloying components have been added to the 321 and 316 grades to increase corrosion resistance.

In the case of 304L and 316L, carbon has been taken out. The “L” stands for “low carbon.” Lower carbon alloys are less susceptible to carbide precipitation in the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) than their standard type counterparts.

Chromium and carbon can mix under the heat of welding to create chromium carbides at the grain boundaries. This reaction depletes the chromium layer that gives stainless steel its corrosion resistant properties, ultimately making the HAZ a target for chemical attack. One way to combat carbide precipitation is to reduce the amount of carbon in the parent material.

Another more effective way is to add titanium to the metal, as is the case with 321. With Type 321, rather than being attracted to the chromium, carbon is attracted to the titanium. This helps ensure the passive chromium layer remains intact.

With both 316L and 321, post-weld cleaning processes can eliminate corrosion due to residual carbide precipitation.

Resistance to Pitting Corrosion

Molybdenum is added to the 316 grades to increase resistance to pitting corrosion, especially in the presence of chlorides. To help in the selection of an appropriate alloy, an equation based on chemical composition was developed. PREN, or the pitting resistance equivalent number, is a theoretical way of comparing pitting corrosion resistance among various alloys.

Alloy PREN
304, 304L, 309, 310, 321 18.0 – 20.0
316, 316L 22.6 – 27.9
317, 317L 27.9 – 33.2
AL-6XN 39.8 – 45.1
Inconel® 625 46.4 – 56.0
Hastelloy® C-276 64.0 – 73.8

Taking precautions to ensure the HAZ more closely resembles parent materials in terms of corrosion resistance and planning for pitting corrosion is important if corrosion resistance is a priority. In applications where corrosion is not an issue, any of the 300 series alloys will likely deliver similar results.

Rates of Corrosion Among 300 Series Stainless Steels

Another way to demonstrate differing levels of corrosion resistance among these alloys is to consider expected rates of corrosion. Rates vary from chemical to chemical and are illustrated in Penflex’s corrosion resistance chart. In thinking about how much metal will be worn away each year, the difference between corrosion resistance capabilities can be seen more easily.

And when it comes to corrosion resistance, it’s not just the alloy that must be considered, but the wall thickness of the alloy as well. We’ve pulled together another bulletin to specifically address this topic.

Derating Factors at Elevated Temperatures

No other materials can maintain their properties through such a wide temperature differential as metal. Anything below 0°F will likely require metal so cryogenic applications are a common use case for metal hose. Some of the austenitic stainless steel mechanical properties actually increase at low temperatures! Anything above about 400°F will also require metal so applications with super saturated steam or those within steel mills or furnaces are also likely scenarios for metal hose.

It’s important to remember that with increased temperatures comes a reduction in pressure ratings, and there are some differences in those factors among the common 300 series stainless steels. Derating factors are based on braid alloy.

Temp °F 304/304L 316/316L 321
70 1 1 1
150 0.95 0.93 0.97
200 0.91 0.89 0.94
250 0.88 0.86 0.92
300 0.85 0.83 0.88
350 0.81 0.81 0.86
400 0.78 0.78 0.83
450 0.77 0.78 0.81
500 0.77 0.77 0.78
600 0.76 0.76 0.77
700 0.74 0.76 0.76
800 0.73 0.75 0.68
900 0.68 0.74 0.62
1000 0.6 0.73 0.6
1100 0.58 0.67 0.58
1200 0.53 0.61 0.53
1300 0.44 0.55 0.46
1400 0.35 0.48 0.42
1500 0.26 0.39 0.37

The temperature reduction factors for 321 and 304 are higher than 316 until about 700°F and then the reverse is true with 316 having the higher reduction factors than 321 and 304. The higher the derating factor, the higher the pressure ratings will remain.

For example, to calculate the maximum working pressure for a P4 Series ¾” 321 stainless steel corrugated hose with one layer of 304L braid that will be operating at 800°F, multiply working pressure (940 PSIG) by appropriate derating factor (.73).

The working pressure for the hose at 800°F is 686 PSIG.

Penflex developed its derating factors after gathering raw data on tensile strength at elevated temperatures from major material suppliers and taking the lowest values in each category for the various alloys. For this reason, they may be more conservative than derating factors published by NAHAD or ISO 10380.

It’s important to remember the maximum working temperature of the end fittings and their method of attachment also needs to be considered when working with increased operating temperatures.

For application temperatures above 1000°F, we often suggest Inconel® 625.

Considering the Entire Application

As mentioned above, in many applications substitutions in hose alloy will have little impact on hose performance. However, when temperatures rise, pressures increase, or hoses cycle frequently, we must pay closer attention.

The impacts of temperature, pressure and movement can be compounded leading to corrosion sooner than anticipated had application media been the only factor in our corrosion calculations. While the differences between the 300 series stainless steels may seem small, we can begin to see how quickly they could become magnified.

Please contact us with any questions.

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